
5 CentreVu Advocate
DEFINITY ProLogix Solutions Release 2 Overview
555-235-100 Issue 2 June 1999 5-24
Service Level Supervisor with Reserve Agents
Service Level Supervisor gives you the ability to set Estimated Wait Time (EWT)
thresholds for skills and to assign agents as reserve, in the event a skill overruns
its threshold. Service Level Supervisor will override your agents normal call
handling preference to assist calls from a skill whose threshold has been
exceeded. This feature allows your call center to rapidly adjust to high traffic
conditions with the flexibility of automatically activating predefined Reserve
Agents when a skill is in an over-threshold condition. This feature will improve
your overall efficiency by eliminating the need for your Supervisors to manually
intervene when traffic conditions change and by effectively scheduling
workloads for agents with multiple skills.
Percent Allocation
Percent Allocation allows you to designate the percentage of time your agents
spend in each skill. Incoming calls are matched to those agents with the “best fit”
based on their allocated skill percentage. By scheduling an agent’s time among
multiple skills, you can better utilize and schedule your agents. Percent
Allocation can also improve agent performance and satisfaction by
“guaranteeing” them a certain amount of time in each skill.