
Line 6 GearBox 3.1 – Basic Features Guide
affiliated with Line 6. These product names, descriptions and images are provided for the
sole purpose of identifying the specific products that were studied during Line 6’s sound
model development.
ther Effects
Comp (Compressor)
The Comp (Compressor) effect in GearBox is modeled after* the classic, studio-standard LA-
2A® tube compressor. It’s just the thing when you
levels the way that you
ames, descriptions and images are provided for the sole purpose of
identifying the specific products that were studied during Line 6’s sound model development.
earBox's 4 Band Semi-Parametric EQ lets you emphasize and de-emphasize selected ranges of
audio frequencies, from bass to midrange to treble. The knobs on the left of the EQ's control
choose the frequency that each of the 4 bands of the EQ will focus on, and set the
want to smooth out your
would typically do in a recording studio. The
THRESHOLD knob determines how aggressive
the compressor will be in smoothing things out.
Turning the knob farther to the left give you more
aggressive compression. The GAIN knob lets you
increase level once you've smoothed things out.
But be careful: if you add too much gain here, you
may see that you start clipping, and need to back
off again on the gain.
* LA-2A® is a trademark of William Putnam
Line 6. These product n
nd is in no way associated or affiliated with
panel let you
amount of gain that will be added to or subtracted from that frequency band.
The top knob pair is for the highest frequency range (the treble), providing a high shelf which
boosts all the audio at and above the frequency point you select. As you make changes to this an
the other EQ bands, the resulting EQ curve is shown in the EQ control panel's display area. The
second knob pair down controls a bandpass filter for the for the high-mids, boosting frequencies
at and around the frequency that you select. The third knob pair down is for the low mids, and the
bottom knob pair, for the bass, controls a low which boosts all the audio at and below the
frequency you select. Press the RESET button to "zero" out all the gains, and set each band to a
default frequency point, which is generally a good starting point when you want to make EQ
adjustments. As you make EQ adjustments, it's a good idea to frequently check what the Tone
sounds like with the EQ turned off, to make sure that you're really making improvements when
adding EQ!
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