
Line 6 GearBox 3.1 – Basic Features Guide
Sends are able to carry your whatever signal(s) you input into your Line 6 device and route them
to the Audio Driver so that they are available in digital form for your audio recording software.
Your recording software can then choose the GearBox Sends as mono or stereo inputs for
recording into tracks.
The number of Record Sends available in GearBox depends upon the Line 6 device in use –
GuitarPort and PODxt devices have one stereo Record Send, and TonePort devices have two
stereo Record Sends that show up as inputs in your recording software.
Additional information is provided in the Recording Setup Guide on the
GearBox Online Help
section of the Line 6 web site.
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What is the Reference control in the Tuner?
This control is available within the Tuner interface. It tells the Tuner what to tune to. 440Hz is the
standard reference value for A, and is generally used for tuning reference. All the Tracks
available from GuitarPort Online use the standard 440Hz reference. So, unless you have a
particular need to adjust the Tuner's reference (and tune your guitar to match something other
than GuitarPort Tracks), you probably want to stick with the standard 440Hz setting for this
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What is a Rotary Drum + Horn?
A Rotary Drum + Horn (or rotary speaker) is one of those things that makes you go, "Gee
whiz!" when you first hear about it: a speaker is mounted on a rotating motor, and spun around as
sound plays through it. A switch allows you to select slow or fast speed for the rotation, and one
cool thing about a rotary is the gradual change in sound that you hear as the speaker speeds up or
slows down to the new speed. The rotary drum + horn speaker enclosure was originally
developed for organ players, but guitar players soon put it to use as well. Effects manufacturers
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