
Line 6 GearBox 3.1 – Basic Features Guide
What is Comp (Compressor)?
Comp, which is an abbreviation for Compressor, is one of the Gearbox Effects. Compressors
even out signals by reducing the volume of the loudest sounds to better match the volume of
quieter sounds. You can use subtle compression to make your guitar playing sound more even, or
drastic compression for dramatically increased sustain and a very consistent level. For details on
each of the Compressor controls, move your mouse over the control and look in the Info Bar at
the bottom of the GuitarPort window.
The GearBox Stomp effect also includes the Vetta Comp compressor that runs "pre" (before) the
amp processing, which can give a different kind of sound than the dedicated Comp effect which
always runs "post" (after) the amp processing.
Some effects are modeled after classic gear described in the
Model Gallery.
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What is Core Audio?
Core Audio is a Mac® protocol for computer audio that allows audio software to communicate
with audio hardware. Most all popular Mac® audio recording programs now utilize Core Audio
to communicate with a soundcard or other audio device. Line 6 TonePort, GuitarPort and PODxt
devices come with Core Audio drivers - these drivers are installed when you run the GearBox
application installer, or can be downloaded individually from the Line 6 Support -
Downloads page.
Core Audio also provides excellent performance on Mac® systems since it allows the input signal
that is fed into the soundcard travel through the computer, your audio software, and back out the
soundcard outputs in a very short amount of time. This is what is referred to as “low latency”
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