Attendance messages
Understanding MFP messages
Disk Full – Scan Job
The scan job cancels or stops due to
insufficient hard disk space.
Note: The scanner finishes scanning currently
committed pages in the ADF, but data is lost
when the job cancels itself.
Touch Continue to clear the message.
Insert tray [x] Occurs when the MFP detects a
missing tray. x can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Insert the specified tray to clear the message.
Touch Cancel Job to cancel the current job if
Touch Reset Active Bin to change to another
linked bin.
Install envelope feeder The MFP detects that the optional
envelope feeder is missing between
the time the job processes, but before
the job prints. Sometime during
processing, the optional envelope
feeder is removed.
Install the optional envelope feeder. The
message clears.
Touch Cancel Job if needed.
Touch Reset Active Bin to reset the active bin
for a linked set of bins.
Install tray [x] The MFP detects that optional Tray
[x], where x is the number of the tray,
is missing while the job processes,
but before the job prints. Sometime
during processing, the optional tray is
Install the optional tray specified by x. The
message clears.
Touch Cancel Job if needed.
Touch Reset Active Bin to reset the active bin
for a linked set of bins.
Load manual feeder with
[Custom String]
Occurs when the MFP receives a
manual feed request that a specific
print media be loaded into the
multipurpose feeder. The print media
is previously defined as a custom
string which appears on the control
Touch Continue.
• If print media is in the multipurpose feeder,
the job continues to print.
• If there is no print media in the multipurpose
feeder, all requests for additional pages are
automatically overridden, and print media is
selected from an automatic source.
Touch Automatically select media to override
manual requests for Manual Paper and
Manual Env for the rest of the print job. All
requests for additional pages are automatically
overridden, and print media is selected from an
automatic source.
Touch Cancel Job to cancel the current job if
Touch Reset Active Bin to change to another
linked bin.
Load manual feeder with
[Custom Type Name]
Occurs when the MFP receives a
manual feed request that specific print
media be loaded into the
multipurpose feeder. The print media
is previously defined as a custom type
from Custom 1 through Custom 6.
The custom type name appears on
the control panel.
Touch Continue.
• If print media is in the multipurpose feeder,
the job continues to print.
• If there is no print media in the multipurpose
feeder, all requests for additional pages are
automatically overridden, and print media is
selected from an automatic source.
Touch Cancel Job to cancel the current job if
Touch Reset Active Bin to change to another
linked bin.
Message Meaning Action