
Leica CM3050 S – Cryostat
2.1 General information on instrument
design and safe handling
This instrument has been built and tested in ac-
cordance with the following safety regulations
on electrical measuring, control, regulating and
laboratory devices:
DIN EN 292
DIN EN 61010-1
EN 50082-1
EN 55011
IEC 1000-4
as well as according to the international quality
DIN ISO 9001
In order to maintain this condition and to ensure
safe operation, the operator must observe the
instructions and warnings contained in this in-
struction manual.
2.2 Integrated safety devices
The instrument is equipped with the following
safety devices:
Handwheel lock
Handwheel grip centering
Emergency stop function
(instruments with sectioning motor only)
Knife holder equipped with knife guard
The safety devices installed by the manufactu-
rer of the instrument only constitute the basis of
accident prevention.
Mainly responsible for accident-free operation
is above all the institution which owns the in-
strument and, in addition, the designated per-
sonnel who operate, service or repair the
2. Sicherheit