
Instruction Manual V1.2 - 11/2006
5.5 Daily operation of the instrument
Select chamber temperature and, in instru-
ments with specimen cooling, specimen
temperature according to the type of speci-
men to be sectioned (see also chapter 6.3
‘Reference chart for temperature settings’).
Do not continue with step 5.5.1 before the
actual chamber / (specimen) temperature
corresponds to the set value. This may take
several hours (e.g. when operating the in-
strument for the first time or when the instru-
ment had been switched off).
Prior to operating the instrument ,
please read and observe the fol-
lowing safety instructions:
‘Integrated safety devices’
(Chapter 2.2) .
‘Handling microtome knives
/ blades’
(Chapter 2.3.4)
‘Knife guard /
Handwheel lock’
(Chapter 2.3.5)
’Motorized sectioning’
(Chapter 2.3.6)
/ handling frozen tissue’
(Chapter 2.3.7)
‘Frozen instrument parts
and accessories’
(Chapter 2.3.8)
‘Infectious / radioactive material’
(Chapter 2.3.9)
5.5.1 Freezing specimens onto specimen
Size the specimen.
Apply sufficient amount of embedding medi-
um onto ambient temperature specimen
Inside the cryochamber, place the specimen
onto the disc and orient.
Place specimen disc with specimen into one
of the 10 openings in the quick-freeze shelf
(see below) and freeze.
The freezing process can be sped up further by
using the stationary heat extractor (1). Next to
the low temperature stabilizer (2) (‘Parking
station’), 3 specimen discs (3) can be placed
within its pivoting range.
Place the heat extractor (1) directly onto the
specimen surface. After approx. 30 seconds
the specimen is completely frozen.
discs with quick-freeze shelf and
stationary heat extractor
5. Operation