6320ch_before_migration.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
190 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
The select statement shows how many messages WebSphere Commerce
Suite V5.1 still needs to deliver. The result is one row, one column with a
numeric result that is 0 (zero) or greater. If the result is 0, it means that there
are no pending messages to be delivered and that the table is ready to be
migrated. If the result is greater than 0, it means that WebSphere Commerce
Suite V5.1 is still attempting to deliver remaining messages.
After this count reaches 0, it should not increment if you subsequently run this
SQL. If you notice that the result keeps on incrementing, it means that not all
transports have been shut down. Refer to the steps above to disable the
transport. Once the SQL select statement returns 0, you can run the
select count(distinct msgid) from msgstore
where retries = 0 or retries = -1
This select statement determines whether there are any messages that have
not been delivered. If the result is 0, there are no left over messages. If the
result is anything larger than 0, there are messages left in the MSGSTORE table.
It is recommended that you delete the remaining messages.
10.3.2 Copying the database from Commerce V5.1 to Commerce V5.6
To copy the database from one environment to the other you first need to make a
backup of the database and then transfer the backup to the new environment.
The following steps describe how to transfer the database from one environment
to the other:
1. Shut down the WebSphere Application Server in order to close all its
connections to the database.
To stop the WebSphere Application Server follow these steps:
a. Open the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console
b. Expand the Administrative Domain
c. Right click on the node and select Stop
Note: For the purpose of readers convenience, the above SQL statement
is shown in two lines. When entering the command it must be entered on a
single line.
Note: On the replica database, clearing the MSGSTORE is simply done with
an SQL command as shown in the following example:
delete from MSGSTORE