6320ch_DEV_before_migration.fm Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm
100 Keeping Commerce Applications Updated WebSphere Commerce 5.1 to 5.6 Migration Guide
Where <vaj_home> is the VisualAge for Java V3.5.3 installation directory.
In order for the migration tools to correctly migrate properties files and JSPs, you
must ensure that they are located in the directories mentioned.
6.2.3 Merge EJB groups
The WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Toolkit expects all custom EJBs to be defined
in a single EJB project, named WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsData. Since
WebSphere Studio Application Developer does not handle the importing of
several EJBs from different EJB 1.1 JAR files, it is important that all your custom
EJBs can be exported into a single EJB 1.1 JAR file.
In 7.5.5, “Export EJBs as EJB 1.1 JAR files” on page 122 the EJBs will be
exported from VisualAge for Java V4.0, which only supports exporting each EJB
group into their own EJB 1.1 JAR file. This means that before exporting your
custom EJBs, you must ensure that all custom EJBs are defined in a single EJB
group in VisualAge for Java.
This also implies that all EJB code is isolated into one project in VisualAge for
Java V3.5.3. It is important that this project only contain EJB related code. That
is, EJB project does not contain any WebSphere Commerce command or data
bean code.
Ensure that you version the project containing your EJBs before continuing.
Failure to do so will mean that you will not be able to export the project in the next
step. To version your project follow these steps:
1. Start Visual Age for Java 3.5
2. In the project list, select the project and right click on it.
3. Select Manage -> Version, if the command is not available, it has been
versioned. If the command is available, version the project by clicking on
6.2.4 Export code from VisualAge for Java V3.5.3
In this step, any custom code or extensions to existing WebSphere Commerce
commands and data beans must be exported from VisualAge for Java. We are
not concerned with EJBs at this stage, only command code, data beans and
utility classes etc. The procedure for migrating EJBs is described in 7.5,
Note: It may be that the properties and JSP files for your store already exist in
the mentioned directories. In either case, you should double-check that these
files are the correct versions.