Chapter 10. Pre-migration steps 189
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_before_migration.fm
We copied the database from the WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 system to
the WebSphere Commerce V5.6 system and performed all the pre-migration
preparation steps on it, recording all steps in a database script file.
Once our pre-migration script was built and tested on the database copy, we
used the same script to perform pre-migration steps on the production database.
This approach minimizes the downtime for the production system, as the
production system will have to be down for the duration of the database
Refer to Appendix C, “Migration scripts” on page 255 for the complete pre
migration script containing all database changes shown in the following sections.
10.3.1 Unsent messages
In WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, when you send a SendTransacted
message, the message is stored in the MSGSTORE table. Once the message has
been sent, the entry is removed from the database. These entries cannot be
reused in WebSphere Commerce V5.6 and the table must therefore be emptied
prior to migration.
In order to clean all messages in the MSGSTORE table in the production database
these steps are required:
1. Log on to the Administration Console as the Site Administrator.
2. At the Site or Store selection panel, select Site
3. Change the status of each transport to Inactive in the Configuration -
Transports menu
4. Repeat the steps above to disable the transports for each store. Disabling the
transport does not prevent messages in the MSGSTORE table from being sent. It
only prevents new messages from being saved in the MSGSTORE table. The
scheduler will attempt to deliver all messages in MSGSTORE. By default, the
scheduler runs SendTransactedMsg job at 5 minute intervals, and the number
of retries is 3. After 15 minutes, there should not be any message in the
MSGSTORE table with retries that are greater than zero.
5. Check whether there are any remaining entries in MSGSTORE with retries
greater than zero by connecting to the database and typing the following SQL
select count(distinct msgid) from msgstore where retries > 0
Note: Transports must be disabled for all the stores as well as the site