Chapter 8. Post-migration steps 129
Draft Document for Review July 28, 2004 7:33 pm 6320ch_DEV_post_migration.fm
5. Start or restart the server in WebSphere Studio Application Developer.
8.2 Migrating custom code
This section describes the mandatory and optional changes necessary to
complete the migration from WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1 to WebSphere
Commerce V5.6.
The section is divided into the following parts:
Access control
Command parameter validation
User registration
Logon command
Calculation usage framework
Configuration and code changes for migrated EJBs
J2EE Connector Architecture
Product Advisor
Rule server administration commands
JSP and property file changes
8.2.1 Access control
The access control framework has changed significantly from WebSphere
Commerce Suite V5.1.
In WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1, high level access control was controlled
using role based access control, defined by the ACCCMDGRP, ACCCUSTEXC and
ACCMBRGRP tables, specifying which member groups were allowed to access
which commands and views. Fine grained resource control would be defined
programmatically in WebSphere Commerce Suite V5.1.
In WebSphere Commerce V5.6 the access control framework has changed to be
policy based. This means that commands, views and data beans can be grouped
into resource groups for which access control can be specified using access
control policies. Access control in WebSphere Commerce V5.6 is typically
configured using the acpload utility. Refer to the WebSphere Commerce
InfoCenter for details of implementing access control.