This window allows an administrator to manage the configuration of a storage subsystem.
The Add button is only displayed during the creation of a new configuration. The Update button is
displayed when an existing configuration is being modified.
To open this window for creation of a new subsystem, click the Create New button on the Subsystems
window. To open this window for an existing subsystem, select the subsystem from the Subsystems
window and click the Configure button.
Field Descriptions
Subsystem ID. A unique, positive integer ID for the storage subsystem. This field may only be set at
create time. The default value is the last configured subsystem ID number plus 1. The default subsystem
ID can be overwritten but if the new number already exists, an attempt to save the configuration will fail.
Default Class of Service. This value overrides the Global Default Class of Service specified on the
Global Configuration window. This default Class of Service applies to this storage subsystem only. The
default value is “None”.
Advice - HPSS Core Servers use a default Class of Service to store newly-created files when the HPSS
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 77