• If no server-specific logging policy is configured for a server and no default logging policy is
configured, only Alarm and Event messages will be logged.
9.2.2. Logging Policies Window
This window is used to manage all the log policies in the HPSS system.
To create a new log policy, click on the Create New button. To configure an existing log policy, select
the policy from the list and click on the Configure button. When creating or configuring a log policy, the
Logging Policy window will appear. To delete an existing log policy, select the policy from the list and
click on the Delete button.
Log policies for servers can also be created using a server’s configuration window which can be accessed
via the Servers window (Section Log Policy on page 95). Log policies for a server can also be
deleted from the same window by pressing the Use Default Log Policy button.
Field Descriptions
Default Logging Policy. The descriptive name of the default logging policy. This policy will apply to all
servers which do not have their own policy defined. This field is non-editable but can be configured by
modifying the Global Configuration window (Section 4.1: Global Configuration Window on page 72).
Log Policy List table columns: For details on the fields listed for each log policy, refer to the Logging
Policy window (Section Logging Policy Configuration Window on page 297.
Configuration Buttons
Create New. Opens a Logging Policy window containing default values for a new policy.
Configure. Opens the selected log policy configuration for editing.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 296