Field Descriptions
The fields of the columns of this window are those of the File Family Configuration described in Section
6.6.1: File Family Configuration.
Configuration Buttons
Create New. Open a File Family Configuration window with default values.
Configure. Open the selected file family configuration(s) for editing.
Delete. Delete the selected file family configuration(s).
6.6.1. File Family Configuration
This window allows you to manage a file family configuration.
Field Descriptions
Family ID. A positive integer which serves as a unique identifier for this file family.
Family Name. The descriptive name for this file family. The name should be unique among all file
families in this HPSS installation. The default value is “File Family <ID>”.
6.6.2. Changing a File Family
The only change that can be made to a file family is to change the Family Name. This action has no side
effects and takes effect when the Update button is pressed.
6.6.3. Deleting a File Family
SSM provides a means to delete a file family definition, but this action has no effect on files already
recorded in the family. The file family attribute is permanent and cannot be removed or changed in
existing files. Deleting a file family just means that files can no longer be added to the deleted file
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 194