10.5. Creating a Junction
Only the HPSS root user and SSM principal are allowed to create junctions.
A junction is a name space object that points to a fileset and is similar to a persistent UNIX mount point.
The fileset pointed to may reside in another subsystem.
Junctions can be created using SSM or by using the utility routine crtjunction. For more information,
refer to the crtjunction man page.
10.5.1. Create Junction Window
This window allows you to create a junction named by the Absolute Junction Path Name to the specified
fileset. HPSS defines a junction as a name space object that 'points' to a directory. A fileset is an
independent directory subtree, managed as a unit. The fileset to which the junction will point may be
managed by the same Core Server where the junction is being created or it may be managed by another
HPSS Core Server. HPSS junctions are similar to persistent UNIX mount points.
Although HPSS allows junctions to any directory, this window can only be used to create junctions to
directories that are also filesets.
Field Descriptions
Fileset ID. The ID number which identifies the fileset to which the junction will point. This field
is filled in from the Fileset ID selected on the Filesets & Junctions List.
Fileset Name. The unique name which identifies the fileset to which the junction will point. This
field is filled in from the Fileset Name selected on the Filesets & Junctions List.
Absolute Junction Path Name. The absolute path name, in the HPSS name space, of the
junction that is to be created. If the path name to the junction is not valid, the creation will fail.
Create. Creates the junction. If the create succeeds, a success message will appear on the status
line at the bottom of the window; otherwise an error message will be displayed. At this point,
data can be entered for another junction, or the window can be dismissed.
Dismiss. Closes the window.
HPSS Management Guide November 2009
Release 7.3 (Revision 1.0) 315