General safety instructions
Please read the Operator’s Manual carefully
and make sure you understand the instructions
before using the machine.
The machine is used in a large range of environments
and for different types of work, making it impossible
to forewarn of all risks. Always exercise care and use
your common sense. Avoid all situations which you
consider to be beyond your capability. If you still feel
uncertain about operating procedures after reading
these instructions, you should consult an expert before
Do not hesitate to contact your dealer if you have any
more questions about the use of the machine. We will
willingly be of service and provide you with advice as
well as help you to use your machine both effi ciently
and safely.
Use the safety instructions as guidelines and support
so that you can detect possible risks yourself and take
measures to prevent them.
Let your Husqvarna dealer regularly check the ma-
chine and make essential adjustments and repairs.
Management and operator
The management and the operator are responsible
for identifying and preventing risks so that staff and
equipment are not exposed to danger.
It is the responsibility of the management and the
operator to confi rm:
• National and local laws, regulations and other
directions are followed. This might concern protec-
tive equipment, limit levels for noise, barriers, etc.
• The operator has the relevant training and experi-
ence to be able to perform the work safely.
• Unauthorized persons are not permitted to enter
areas where there is a risk of accidents.
• Nobody is permitted to be within the machine’s risk
area when work is underway.
• Persons who are admitted to the work area are
trained in and have access to protective equip-
• The machine is used solely for the functions for
which it is intended.
• The machine is used safely.
• The machine is correctly connected to a suitable
power supply and correctly fused.
• The operator is informed of the work area surround-
ings, e.g. strength in the fl oor structure, positioning
of load-bearing walls, cables and pipes.
Requirements of the operator
• The operator must be given suffi cient information
and training to have satisfactory knowledge of the
machine’s functions, properties and limitations.
• The operator must try to foresee risky elements of
the job and assess the machine’s risk area. Always
exercise caution and use common sense!
• It is the responsibility of the operator to suspend
work with the machine if a safety risk arises and
ensure that the machine is not used by mistake.
The machine must not be put into operation before
the safety risk has been eliminated.
• The operator must not be under the infl uence of
drugs or anything else that can affect his/her reac-
tions or judgement.
• The operator must use protective equipment suited
for the particular work situation.
• The operator must ensure that the machine cannot
be used by unauthorized persons, e.g. do not leave
the remote control unattended.
If there is an accident
It is the responsibility of the employer to produce an
action plan and train operators how to deal with inci-
dents. First take action to save human life and second
to avoid material damage. Learn how to administer
fi rst aid!
Measures to take in the event of an accident:
• Get an overview. Is anyone injured? Is anyone still
in the area where the accident took place?
• Alert emergency services and be prepared to pro-
vide information.
• Administer fi rst aid and prepare a route for the
emergency personnel.
• Ensure that someone accompanies the injured to
the hospital.
• Secure the scene of the accident.
• Contact management.
• Contact relatives.
• Investigate the cause of the accident.
• Put measures in place to prevent future accidents.
• Always notify Husqvarna Construction Products in
the event of near-accidents or accidents regardless
of whether the machine was directly or indirectly
involved in the incident.
English - 7