An individual function
is running slowly.
Restriction in a hydraulic
Extend an unloaded cylinder to its end position and
check the pump pressure in the display (under “Serv-
ice”). If you do not get maximum pressure this indicates a
restriction in the hose. Change hose.
Fault in the pilot control valve. Contact your service agent.
An individual function
is not working.
Joystick in an operative posi-
tion when starting the remote
Restart the remote control with the joystick in neutral
Fault in the pilot control valve. Contact your service agent.
The machine sinks on
the outriggers
Leaking direction control valves
for outrigger cylinders or inter-
nal leakage in the cylinders.
Contact your service agent.
Jerky arm movements The hydraulic fl uid has been
heated up in a cold machine.
Warm up the machine.
A slide valve is seizing due to
Contact your service agent.
Air in the pilot control valve. Contact your service agent.
Broken O-rings in the pilot
control valves.
Contact your service agent.
Fault in the servo circuit. Contact your service agent.
Cylinder sinks* Contamination in the hydraulic
Investigate any leaks there might be. Change hydraulic
fl uid and oil fi lter.
Leakage in the cylinder. Locate the leak and replace any components that might
be damaged.
Defective valve Contact your service agent.
Overheating in the
hydraulic system
Cooler blocked or obstructed. Clean the cooler.
Too high ambient temperature. Use forced cooling.
Maximum pressure or pressure
at rest set too high in the pump.
Contact your service agent.
Defective hose or coupling. Replace faulty component.
Restriction in main pipe or
pipe to tool.
Replace faulty component.
Power extraction too high due
to faulty or unsuitable tool.
Check that the tool’s pressure and fl ow are compatible
with the machine’s specifi cation.
Defective hydraulic pump. Contact your service agent.
Knocking noise in the
hydraulic system
Not enough hydraulic fl uid in
the tank.
Stop the motor at once. Investigate and rectify any leaks
there might be. Replenish hydraulic fl uid.
Air in the hydraulic fl uid. Run the machine without a load until air and fl uid have
Defective hydraulic pump. Contact your service agent.
Discoloured hydraulic
fl uid
Cloudy grey fl uid indicates
water in the system.
Investigate and rectify the cause of water entering.
Change hydraulic fl uid and oil fi lter.
Black fl uid indicates coke
formation due to too high
operating temperature.
Investigate and rectify the cause of overheating. Change
hydraulic fl uid and oil fi lter.
* If cylinder 3 and 4 slowly sink (approx. 1 cm/min) this is entirely normal as they do not have any counter balance
English - 49