Check that all components are properly secured by
feeling, pulling etc. Keep a look out for wear damage.
This can be caused by components coming loose.
• A bolted joint that is secured with adhesive should
not be tightened. Simply check that it is tight. If
a glued bolted joint has come loose, clean the
threads before fresh adhesive is applied.
• Check the shafts with respect to mounting/lock-
ing. Check expanding shafts by tightening with a
torque wrench.
• Locking pins must be checked with respect to
damage and mounting.
• The design of the expanding shafts ensures that
there is not too much play provided that they are
tightened regularly. New expanding shafts must
be tightened frequently until they have bedded in.
Wear damage on the expanding shaft’s sleeve is a
typical sign that they have not been tightened cor-
rectly or suffi ciently often.
• If an expanding shaft has slipped out of position it
is important that it is centred before being retight-
ened again.
Tightening torque
Use abutment when torquing through shafts to avoid
the shaft rotating.
Pos. Nm
A Gear ring bearings against chassis
B Gear ring bearings against base plate 81
C Shafts, arm system, outriggers 175
D Track sides 500
E Tool against adapter plate 197
English - 41