Hydraulic fl uid and lubricant
Hydraulic fl uid
Quality Min. starting temp, ºC/ºF Max. temp, ºC/ºF Ideal working temp, ºC/ºF
Mineral oil ISO VG32 -20/-4 75/167 35-60/95-140
Mineral oil ISO VG46 -13/9 87/189 50-75/122-167
Mineral oil ISO VG68 -10/14 97/207 55-80/131-176
Always ask the machine manufacturer before using a type of hydraulic fl uid other than those mentioned above.
The quality of hydraulic fl uid that the machine was supplied with is indicated on the sticker on the machine’s hydraulic
NB! The machine can be damaged if different types of hydraulic fl uid are mixed. Check which quality of hydraulic fl uid
the machine’s hydraulic system contains before refi lling or changing.
Component Quality Standard
Gear ring SAE 80W-90 API GL 5
Drive motor, drive gear SAE 80W-90 API GL 5
All lubrication points with grease nipples NLGI 2
Preset limit values
Description Temperature,°C/°F
Oil Temperature High threshold 1 (T
) 80/176
Oil Temperature High threshold 2 (T
) 90/194
Oil Temperature Low (T
) 10/50
English - 51