3 - 15
A replaceable touch screen protective film is available when the Thor VM2 is used in an abrasive environment. Contact
Technical Assistance (page 11-1) for availability.
Note: If the touch screen is disabled or looses calibration on a Thor VM2, you must use a USB mouse or keyboard attached
to the Thor VM2 to access the control panel to re-enable or recalibrate the touch screen unless a programmable key
has been assigned to that function.
Screen Blanking
Screen blanking (blackout) can be enabled when the vehicle is in motion. See Screen Blanking (page 4-49) for hardware
setup and Screen Control (page 5-90) for software setup to enable screen blanking. Once screen blanking is enabled, the
display is blanked out any time when the cable sends the signal the vehicle is in motion. If the cable is removed, screen
blanking is disabled and the display remains on.
Display Backlight Control
The display brightness can be adjusted manually, via the keypad:
1. Press the Blue key to enter Blue mode.
2. Press P3 to increase brightness or P4 to decrease brightness.
3. Press the Blue key to exit Blue mode.