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Application Launch Options
Tap t he Launch... button to access the application launch options. This panel displays the Launch options panel
for the Filename selected on the Administration panel.
Note: Launch order is determined by the Order specified in the Application tab. The Order value does not have
to be sequential.
Auto At Boot
Default is Enabled.
Auto At Boot
When enabled, automatically launches (subject to the specified Delay in seconds) the application after
the unit is rebooted. If a Delay in seconds is specified, AppLock waits for the specified period of time to
expire before launching the application. The Delay default value is 10 seconds; valid values are between
0 “no delay” and a maximum of 999 seconds.
This is the number of times the application launch will be retried if a failure occurs when the application is
automatically launched at bootup. Valid values are between 0 (no tries) and 99 tries or -1 for infinite.
Infinite tries ends when the application successfully launches. The default is 0 retries.
This timer is the time that AppLock waits prior to the initial launch of the selected application when it is
automatically launched at bootup. Delay default is 10 seconds. Valid values are between 0 seconds (no
delay) and 999 seconds.
The Auto At Boot delay is associated for each application; it will be either a value specified by the Admin-
istrator or it will be the delay default value. At startup, when a delay has been assigned for each applica-
tion, AppLock waits for the delay associated with the first application to expire before launching the first
application then AppLock waits for the delay associated with the second application to expire before
launching the second application. AppLock continues in this manner until all applications are launched.
Note: A “Global Delay” can be accomplished by setting a timed delay for the first application to be
launched (by lowest Order number) and no delay (0 seconds) for all other applications.
Note: Launch order is determined by the Order specified in the Application tab. The Order value does
not have to be sequential.
Auto Re-Launch
Auto Re-Launch
Default is Enabled.
When enabled for a specific application, automatically re-launches it (subject to the specified Auto Re-
Launch Delay in seconds) after it terminates. This option allows the Administrator to disable the re-
launch operation. AppLock cannot prevent all applications from closing. When an application that
AppLock cannot prevent from closing terminates, perhaps because of an error condition, AppLock re-
launches the application when this option is enabled.
Note: If Allow Close is enabled and both Auto Re-launch and Manual (Launch) are disabled, the
application cannot be restarted for the end-user or by the end-user after the application terminates.