5 - 53
Provided that the wedge is configured with the above table, below are examples of scanned bar code data and
results of these manipulations.
Note: Rejected bar codes generate a bad scan beep. In some cases, the receipt of data from the scanner triggers
a good scan beep (from the external scanner), and then the rejection of scanned bar code data by the
processing causes a bad scan beep on the same data.
Start > Settings > Control Panel > Data Collection > Processing tab
The Processing tab contains a user configurable key delay that applies to scanned bar codes as they are input when
Remote Desktop is the application with the input focus.
Factory Default Settings
Note: Settings on this panel have no effect when RFTerm is the application with the input focus.
Enable buffered key output
Default is enabled (checked). Click the checkbox to turn off buffered key output.
Bar Code Symbology Raw Scanner Data Resulting Data
EAN-128 ]C11234567890123 bbb1234567890xxx
EAN-128 ]C111234567890123 bbb11234567890xxx
EAN-128 ]C1123 < rejected > (too short)
EAN-13 ]E01234567890987 ccc]E04567890yyy
EAN-13 ]E01231234567890987 ccc]E0234567890yyy
EAN-13 ]E01234 ccc]E0yyy
I2/5 ]I04444567890987654321 < rejected > (too long)
I2/5 ]I04444567890123 ddd7890zzz
I2/5 ]I0444 dddzzz
I2/5 ]I022245622 ddd45zzz
Code-93 ]G0123456 < rejected > (disabled)
Code-93 ]G0444444 < rejected > (disabled)
Code-39 ]A01234567890 aaa4567890www
Code-39 full ASCII ]A41231234567890 aaa1234567890www
Code-39 ]A4 < rejected > (too short)
Enable buffered key output Enabled
Same buffer limit (characters) 32
Delay between (key) buffers 75 ms