10 - 11
Registry read failure at re-
enter user mode
The registry has to be read when switching into user mode. This is because the
administrator can change the settings during administration mode. The read of
the registry failed which means the Administration key was not found or the Ap-
pName value was missing or empty.
Registry read failure The registry read failed. The registry information read when this message is
logged is the application information. It the Administration key cannot be opened
or if the AppName value is missing or empty, this error is logged. The other ap-
plication information is not required. If the AppName value is not available, Ap-
pLock cannot switch into user mode.
Reset system work area
The system work area is adjusted when in user mode to cover the taskbar area.
The system work area has to be adjusted to exclude the taskbar area in admin-
istration mode. AppLock was unable to adjust this area.
Shift pressed The Shift key has been pressed and trapped by the HotKey processing. LOG_EX
Shift Processing the hotkey and backdoor entry LOG_EX
Show taskbar The taskbar is now being made visible and enabled. LOG_
Switching to admin-back-
The system is currently in user mode and is now switching to admin mode. The
switch occurred because of the backdoor key presses were entered by the ad-
Switching to admin-hotkey
The system is currently in user mode and is now switching to admin mode. The
switch occurred because of a hotkey press by the administrator.
Switching to admin-kbd-
hook.dll not found
The keyboard hook load failed, so AppLock switches to admin mode. If a pass-
word is specified, the password prompt is displayed and remains until a valid
password is entered.
Switching to admin-key-
board hook initialization
If the keyboard hook initialization fails, AppLock switches to admin mode. If a
password is specified, the password prompt is displayed and remains until a val-
id password is entered.
Switching to admin-registry
read failure
See the explanation of the “Registry read failure” above. AppLock is switching
into Admin mode. If a password has been configured, the prompt will be dis-
played and will not be dismissed until a valid password is entered.
Switching to Taskbar-
In administration mode, the taskbar is visible and enabled. LOG_EX
Switching to user mode The registry was successfully read and AppLock is starting the process to switch
to user mode.
Switching to user-hotkey
The system is currently in admin mode and is now switching to user mode. The
switch occurred because of a hotkey press by the administrator.
Taskbar hook failure AppLock is unable to control the taskbar to prevent the locked application from
re-enabling it.
Taskbar hook OK AppLock successfully installed control of the taskbar. LOG_EX
Timeout looking for app
After the application is launched, AppLock must wait until the application has ini-
tialized itself before proceeding. The application did not start successfully and
AppLock has timed out.
ToUser after admin, not at
The user mode switch is attempted when the device boots and after the admin-
istrator presses the hotkey. The mode switch is being attempted after a hotkey
ToUser after admin-app
still open
The switch to user mode is being made via a hotkey press and the administrator
has left the application open and has not made any changes in the configuration.
ToUser after admin-no app
or cmd line change
If user mode is being entered via a hotkey press, the administrator may have left
the configured application open. If so, AppLock does not launch the application
again unless a new application or command line has been specified; otherwise,
it just locks it.
Unable to move desktop The desktop is moved when switching into user mode. This prevents them from
being visible if the application is exited and restarted by the timer. This error
does not affect the screen mode switch; processing continues.
Message Explanation and/or corrective action Level