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The Li-Ion main battery (MX7A381BATT and MX7393BATT) has been designed specifically for the Cold Storage
device. This 1250mAh battery has a blue label while the standard MX7 Tecton 2200mAh battery has a white
(MX7A380BATT and MX7392BATT) label.
Snowflake Decal
A Cold Storage device has a snowflake decal between the touch screen and the keypad. The decal is located to the left
when the screen is facing forward.
Heating Elements
Heating elements activate when ambient temperature drops below 0°C (32°F). Using the stylus when performing
screen touch functions is recommended. There may be some condensation as the Cold Storage device moves in and
out of cold storage areas. The condensation on the touch screen and the scan aperture quickly dissipates.
The touch screen heating elements and scanner aperture heating elements may be visible when the Cold Storage
device is tilted slightly. No user interaction is required to turn the heating elements on/off. Stylus taps on the touch
screen function normally. Due to the heating element overlaying the scan aperture, bar code scanning may require the
user to move the scan aperture closer to the bar code for good scan results.
Recharging Cold Storage Batteries
The Cold Storage battery pack can be recharged to full capacity while in a Cold Storage MX7 Tecton connected to an
external power source and also while the Cold Storage battery pack is inserted in the charging bay in a powered MX7
Tecton cradle. The battery pack temperature must be above 10°C (50°F) before re-charging can begin.
Battery packs in the Battery Charger begin charging when the battery pack temperature is between 10°C (50°F) and
40°C (100°F).
To charge the Cold Storage battery pack to full capacity, the Battery Charger firmware must be V1.07 or greater. The
firmware version is noted on the battery charger label on the bottom of the charger.
Contact Product Service and Repair (page 16-1) if your battery charger firmware needs to be upgraded.
The Battery Charger and AC adapter are not designed to operate in a freezer or cold storage environment.
Hot-swapping the Cold Storage Battery
The Cold Storage mobile device, with a fully charged Super-cap battery, retains data during a main battery hot-swap at
-30°C (-22°F) for at least 90 seconds. The temperature of the fully charged replacement Cold Storage main battery
must be +10°C (14°F), or above.
Normal Operation Temperature Ranges
• In the freezer where the temperature ranges between –30°C to -18°C (-22°F to 0°F).
• In the loading dock where temperature ranges between 0°C to 5°C (32°F to 41°F) with the relative humidity at 65%
• Moving between the freezer and a loading/unloading area where the temperature transitions from -30°C to 5°C (-
22°F to 41°F).