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Vehicle Cradle RAM Ball Assembly
1. Fasten the RAM ball with the circular mounting base (shown in the middle in above image) to the vehicle.
2. Fasten the RAM ball with the rectangular mounting base (shown on the right in above image) to the back of the
vehicle cradle.
3. Loosen the knob on the squeeze arm (shown on the left in above image).
4. Place either RAM ball opening in the squeeze arm over the vehicle mounted RAM ball.
5. Place the remaining RAM ball opening over the vehicle cradle mounted RAM ball.
6. Tighten the knob on the squeeze arm until the vehicle cradle is secured to the vehicle.
7. Adjust the position of the secured vehicle cradle by slightly loosening the squeeze arm knob, rotating the cradle and
then re-tightening the squeeze arm knob.
Periodically test the mounting device and re-tighten bolts, RAM balls and/or squeeze arm adjustment knob as needed.
RAM Circular Base Footprint
Bolts, washers and nuts for mounting the RAM ball to the vehicle are supplied by Honeywell:
• Qty 4 – Hex Cap 1/4-20 x 3/4 bolts
• Qty 4 – 1/4 flat washer
• Qty 4 – 1/4-20 nylon insert lock nuts
Note: Mount to the most rigid surface available.