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Getting Started
The MX7 Tecton™ is a rugged, portable, hand-held mobile computer capable of wireless data communications. The MX7 Tec-
ton can transmit information using an 802.11 network card and it can store information for later transmission through an RS232
or USB port. The MX7CS (Cold Storage) device functions normally in various temperature ranges.
The MX7 Tecton is vertically oriented and features backlighting for the display. Keypads are available in 55-key alphanumeric
and 32-key numeric-alpha versions.
This device can be scaled from a limited function batch computer to an integrated wireless scanning computer. A trigger handle
is available as an accessory.
The stylus attached to the hand strap is used to assist in entering data and configuring the device. Protective film for the touch
screen is available as an accessory.
The MX7 Tecton is powered by a 2200 mAh Lithium-Ion main battery pack and an internal Super-capacitor (Super-cap) battery.
Note: Contact Technical Assistance (page 16-1) for upgrade availability if your application or control panels are not the same
as the application or control panels presented in this guide.
About this Guide
This MX7 Tecton User’s Guide provides instruction for the system administrator to follow when configuring a MX7 Tecton. Also
included are setup and use instructions for the MX7 Tecton Battery Charger, Desktop Cradle, Passive Vehicle Mounted Cradle,
and Powered Vehicle Mounted Cradle.
Note: The MX7 Tecton may have a Microsoft Windows CE 6 or Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system. This guide is
for the MX7 Tecton with a Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system
Out of the Box
After you open the shipping carton verify it contains the following items:
•MX7 Tecton
• Rechargeable battery
• Hand Strap (attached to the MX7 Tecton)
• Quick Start Guide
• Getting Started Disc
If you ordered accessories for the MX7 Tecton, verify they are also included with the order. Keep the original packaging material
in the event the MX7 Tecton should need to be returned for service. For details, see Product Service and Repair (page 16-1)