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Bluetooth Devices
The Bluetooth Devices tab displays any device previously discovered and paired with the MX7 Tecton.
Clear Button
Deletes all devices from the Device table that are not currently paired. A dialog box is presented Delete all disconnected
Tap the Yes button to remove disconnected or deleted devices from the device table. The devices are removed from the
Device table after any reboot sequence and when EZPair (or LXEZ Pairing) is re-launched without rebooting. Tap the No
button to make no changes.
Discover Button
When tapped, the Bluetooth client discovers and displays all Bluetooth devices in the vicinity. Bluetooth managed devices
should be as close as possible in direct line of sight, with the MX7 Tecton during the Discover process.
At the end of the Discover process, and when Filtered Mode is disabled/unchecked, serial Bluetooth devices as well as
Bluetooth scanners and printers are displayed in the Device table. When Filtered Mode is enabled/checked, only Bluetooth
scanners and printers are displayed in the Device table.
Before Discovery After Discovery