
Pan, Tilt, and Zoom (PTZ) Setup
To Assign and Set a New PTZ Device
1. Find out to which serial port on the Multi-Media unit is connected to the PTZ dome(s).
The installers connected the Data In port of domes (an RS-485 connector) to either:
One of the serial ports on a Rapid Eye unit. The port number for a dome can
differ from that of another dome.
A bus, connected to one of the serial ports on a Rapid Eye unit. The port number
is the same for the domes on that bus.
2. Continue or start a
Maintenance Session.
3. Click the Serial Devices tab.
4. Expand the New Devices group.
5. Drag the PTZ icon to the Port that matches the unit’s serial port identified in step 1. If you
drop the icon on a port that is already assigned to another device, the PTZ device
displaces it; the displaced device is sent to the Unassigned Devices group.
6. You have the option of renaming the device. Click the Device Name box and type. A
maximum of thirty-two characters and numbers are allowed, including spaces.
7. Select the serial interface protocol: RS–232, RS–485, or RS–422.
8. You have the option of:
Selecting the Enable Controller Switch. A checkmark sets the Multi-Media unit’s OUTPUT 1 to
send a signal whenever a PTZ camera is selected during a Live session. Installers can connect
OUTPUT 1 to the external controller so that the signal disables the controller while a Multi-Media
operator uses a PTZ camera. When a PTZ camera is not selected, the signal from output 1
stops so that control of the PTZ serial bus is returned to the external controller.
Assigning another PTZ device to another Port (or to the Unassigned Devices group). To do so,
repeat steps 4 to 7.
ACUIX dome camera domes
ACUIX dome camera domes, you have the option of using the Intellibus PTZ driver. See
ACUIX Dome Camera, on p. 99.
Video Tab Settings for PTZ
Assign a PTZ serial device, as explained in procedure
To Assign and Set a New PTZ Device,
above. The device can be assigned to either:
One of the ports on the Multi-Media unit.
The Unassigned Devices group.
The signal format for all cameras (NTSC, PAL) is set on the System tab.
See System Tab in a Maintenance Session, p. 134.
Using many PTZ domes/cameras on one serial communications line
If more than one PTZ camera share the same serial communications line. If so, make a note of:
The address set on each camera.
The driver needed for the make and model of dome; if the domes require different drivers, they
cannot share the same port/serial communications line.