
System Administrator’s Guide
Document K14392V1 Rev A 249
event recording: Boost button, 104; during a Site
tour, 104; duty cycle, 71; enabling, 68; optional,
103; response duration, 115; rule, 112; rule
description, 113; schedule, 115; trigger, 112
explosion, motion detection, 116
external controller, PTZ, 86
external modem: to set…, 139
FAULT RELAY, 63, 134, 194, 195
file: downloading from Multi-Media unit, 132;
uploading to Multi-Media unit, 133
fire, motion detection, 116
firewall ports, 45, 47, 49, 54, 137, 202, 216
first preset, PTZ, 92, 93, 94
folder (Rapid Eye): assign site to, 26; create, 26;
delete, 27
gauntlet strategy, 79
general purpose output. See CONTROL OUTPUT
good image, for camera sabotage detection, 122
group of sites, 26
hardware: to control public display monitor, 141
HCU484, Honeywell dome. See Honeywell Fixed
Camera PTZ driver
high security, 163
higher mask, 117
holidays: priority in scheduling, 110
Honeywell: database engine, support for, 231;
guideline or recommendation, 33, 169; system
password, and, 167; unit of compression, 126
Honeywell Fixed Camera PTZ driver, 88
Honeywell recommends: Administrator account, 152;
area codes be included in telephone numbers, 33;
changing the system password, 162; dialing same
country setting, 209; entering long distance codes,
210; how to deny access, 198; tips to prevent
jeopardizing performance, 184; to secure a site..., 61
host IP, 139
human resources officer, 161
image quality (compression): Rapid Eye unit, 126
images per second (ips), 70
individual, identifying. See security, presence or
installing: before, 163; Multi db, used for, 232;
software, Admin, 20
Intellibus: ACUIX camera, 99; PTZ driver, 88
interfering with video, environment, 84
internal modem, 138
IP address: Multi-Media unit, 136; networked alarm
station, 202
IP Port, 37, 206
ips. See images per second
Javelin 308/ADEMCO PTZ driver, 88
jeopardized performance. See security risk
Kalatel domes, 93
Kalatel PTZ driver/Cyberdome, 88
KD6. See Ultrak PTZ driver
KD6i dome. See PTZ:Ultrak KD6i
key personnel: database administrator, 165, 237;
human resources officer, 161; network
administrator, 35, 45, 47, 54, 136; security officer,
87, 152, 161; when creating a site, 24
kitchen grease. See security risk and camera
sabotage detection
KTD 312. See Kalatel
LAN, 136
LAN IP, 37
last valid password. See system password, LVP
learning, for camera sabotage detection, 122