
System Administrator’s Guide
Document K14392V1 Rev A 25
3. Type a name in the Site Name box. The Multi-Media unit can be referred to by name.
4. Add a connection to the unit.
5. Click Save and Close.
Site Naming Tips
Try to use descriptive names: the address, area in the building, use of the facility and so on. The
goal is to avoid confusion in an emergency.
Beware of placing an address next to a site number. Some addresses can lead to confusion.
For example:
“Site 26, 2607 Blue Jay Way” and
“Site 27, 2609 Blue Jay Way”.
A better alternative could be:
“site 26, corner house at 2607 Blue Jay Way”
“site 27, east parking lot, 2609 Blue Jay Way” or
“corner house at 2605 Blue Jay Way (site 26)”
“east parking lot, 2609 Blue Jay Way (site 27)”.
Beware of long names that differ only at the end.
For example, avoid “parallel phrasing” to identify sites by building, floor, area and target can
lead to operator error due to a small difference only, located at the end of the identifier:
“Rosde building, 1st floor, mezzanine east, lobby entrance” and
“Rosde building, 1st floor, mezzanine east, lobby desk”
Better use of parallel phrasing could be:
“lobby, Rosde, mezzanine east” and
“front desk, Rosde, mezzanine east”.
After Dealing with a Site
You have the option of using Admin to:
Create users. The sites that a user can access are listed in a user’s account. See Granting
Rights, on p.
Make the sites part of a site tour. After setting up a tour, View displays the sequence of video
feeds from different sites. See
Touring Many Sites.
Alarm station. You can designate which alarm station(s) receives alarm reports. See
Alarm Stations. For procedures to connect Rapid Eye units to an alarm station, see
Alarm Stations, starting on p.
Groups of sites. See
Grouping Sites.
System password. Use of a system password is highly recommended by Honeywell. After a
system password is set using Admin, update the security on each unit in your Rapid Eye
system. See
System Password, p. 166.