32 GPSMAP 3006C/3010C Owner’s Manual
MaIn Pages > overvIew
MaIn paGes
The GPSMAP 3006C/3010C has four main pages that are always available by default: Map Page, Map Split Page, Compass Page, and 3D Highway Page. An optional
main page, the Video Page, appears if you are inputting a video signal. Press PAGE to cycle through the main pages in order. If you have a GSD 20, GSD 21, or
GSD 22 with a transducer connected to the GPSMAP 3006C/3010C, a Sonar Page is added into the page sequence.
When the unit is turned on, the Map Page appears. As you add optional hardware to the GPSMAP 3006C/3010C or Garmin Marine Network, additional main pages,
functions, or adjustments may appear automatically. For specic information about additional main page operations, refer to the documentation provided with the
optional hardware.
Video Page (optional)3D Highway PageCompass PageMap Page
Map Split Page
To go to a specic main page:
1. PressPAGE.ThePagesMenushowsthelistofavailablemainpagesandtheircorrespondingshortcutnumbers.Theactivemainpageishighlighted.
2. PressupordownontheROCKERtohighlightamainpage,orpressthedataentrykeythatcorrespondstotheshortcutnumberofthemainpageyouwantto