GPSMAP 3006C/3010C Owner’s Manual 19
basIc oPeratIon > revIewIng and edItIng waYPoInts
User Waypoints
The User sub tab on the Points tab shows a master list of all waypoints currently
stored in memory. From the User sub tab, you can review, edit, rename, or delete
individual waypoints, or delete all user waypoints. The number of available and
used waypoints is shown at the bottom of the User sub tab. Stored waypoints are
arranged in alphanumeric order.
To scroll through and review the waypoint list:
1. UsetheROCKERtohighlightthePointstabontheMainMenu,andthen
2. PressupordownontheROCKERtoscrollthroughthelistofwaypoints;
3. PressENTERtoreviewthehighlightedwaypointontheReviewWaypoint
4. PresstheNextsoftkeytoreturntothewaypointlist.Thenextwaypointin
Deleting Waypoints
The following soft keys are available when you highlight a waypoint on the User
sub tab:
New Waypoint—creates a new waypoint.
Delete—deletes the selected waypoint from the list and from any route in
which the waypoint was used.
Del by Smbl—deletes waypoints that use the same symbol.
Delete All—deletes all waypoints from the unit.
NOTE: When you delete a waypoint from the list, it cannot be recovered from
the unit. Save important waypoints to a data card, or write them down.
To delete a single waypoint from the User sub tab:
1. UsetheROCKERtohighlightthewaypointyouwanttodelete,andthen
presstheDelete Waypointsoftkey.Aconrmationmessageappears.
2. HighlightOK,andpressENTERtodeletetheselectedwaypoint.
To delete waypoints by symbol:
1. OntheUsersubtab,highlightthewaypointyouwanttodelete.
2. PresstheDelete By Symbolsoftkey.
3. UsetheROCKERtohighlightthesymbolofthewaypointsyouwantto
4. HighlightOK,andpressENTERtodeletethewaypointsbysymbol.
To delete all user waypoints:
1. OntheUsersubtab, presstheDelete Allsoftkey.
2. HighlightOK,andpressENTERtodeletealluserwaypoints.