
Main Menu: GPS Tab
DGPS Setup Window
You may also select ‘GPS Accuracy’ to display in any data
eld. See pages 16-18 for instructions changing data fi elds.
• DGPS Setup— set up of tuning options for a DGPS receiver or enabling/disabling WAAS. The ‘DGPS
Setup’ window contains the fi elds to select the Differential Source, Beacon tune mode, Frequency and Bit
Rate. Additional data windows will display the Beacon SNR and Differential Status. When “Differential
Source” is set to ‘Auto’, the unit can receive WAAS or USCG DGPS Beacon (if available) input. If WAAS is
being used and valid USCG DGPS input is detected, WAAS will be automatically disabled. Set the option
to ‘Beacon’ if you wish to receive USCG DGPS Beacon information only, ‘WAAS’ if you wish to receive
WAAS information only or to ‘None’ if no DGPS input is desired. The additional USCG DGPS Beacon
tuning options will only appear when “Differential Source” is set to ‘Auto’ or ‘Beacon’. You may have the
DGPS beacon receiver (if capable) automatically scan for the DGPS beacon signal or you can manually
enter the beacon frequency and bit rate on the unit to tune the beacon receiver.
To have the beacon receiver automatically scan for a frequency:
1. With the unit set to ‘Auto’ or ‘Beacon’, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the “Beacon” fi eld and
2. Highlight ‘Scan’ and press ENTER/MARK. The numbers in the “Frequency” fi eld will change as the unit
scans from 284 kHz to 325 kHz, 200 bit rate, then 100, at 6-second intervals.
To restart the scan:
1. Press the ‘Restart Scan’ SOFT KEY.
To manually enter a frequency and bit rate:
1. With the unit set to ‘Auto’ or ‘Beacon’, use the ARROW KEYPAD to highlight the “Beacon” fi eld and
2. Highlight ‘User’ and press ENTER/MARK.
3. Highlight the “Frequency” or “Bit Rate” fi eld, press ENTER/MARK, then enter a frequency or bit rate and
press ENTER/MARK when done.