The Differential Receiver status will show one of the following:
• None— No optional beacon receiver attached or enabled in the DGPS Setup.
• Searching For WAAS— WAAS is enabled and the GPS receiver is searching for WAAS signal
• Using WAAS— WAAS capability enabled and unit receiving WAAS corrections
• No Beacon Signal— Beacon receiver attached, but not transmitting RTCM data to GPS receiver
• Tuning Beacon— Receiver is tuning manual Beacon frequency
• Receiving Beacon— Unit is receiving Beacon corrections
• Scanning Beacon— Beacon receiver is scanning for available frequency
• Check Wiring— GPS receiver is not making connection with the Beacon receiver.
The Differential SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) indicates, on a scale to 0-30db with 30db being the best,
the strength of the Beacon signal being received. The SNR will depend upon the mounting of your Beacon
receiver and the distance from the Beacon transmitting station. The DGPS beacon transmitters are operated
by the U.S. Coast Guard (or similar government agency in other countries), which is responsible for their
accuracy and maintenance. For DGPS beacon transmitter problems or to fi nd the most updated list of fre-
quencies and coverage areas, contact your local USCG, or see their web site at http://www.navcen.uscg.mil/
The GPSMAP 2006/2010’s GPS Info tab provides access to additional SOFT KEY options. The available
SOFT KEY options are
• Start/Stop Simulator— toggles the unit simulator on or off.
• Track Up/North Up— selects between a north up or track up sky view display for the GPS Info
Page only.
• Set Position— initializes the receiver graphically on the Map Page to initially help the receiver acquire
more quickly. If the simulator is enabled, this fi eld will change to ‘Simulator Setup’. See pages 12-13 for
instructions on initialization and page 5 for simulator settings.
• AutoLocate— allows the GPS receiver to locate your position automatically. This process can take up to
fi ve minutes. See pages 12-13 for instructions on initialization.
Main Menu: GPS Info Tab
GPS Info tab SOFT KEY Options