Getting Started
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Getting Started
Initializing the Receiver
Initializing the Receiver
The fi rst time you power up your new GPSMAP 2006/2010 and GPS 17N receiver, the receiver
must be given an opportunity to collect satellite data and establish its present position. To ensure proper
initialization, the GPS 17N is shipped from the factory in AutoLocate mode, which will allow the receiver
to “fi nd itself” anywhere in the world. To speed up the initialization process, we recommend using the
graphic initialization process, which will usually provide a position fi x within a few minutes. If you know
your approximate coordinates, you may also enter the position as text.
Before you initialize, make sure the GPSMAP 2006/2010 unit and GPS 17N antenna have been
correctly installed on your vessel according to the instructions in the 2006/2010 Installation Guide. The
antenna needs a clear and unobstructed view of the sky to receive satellite signals.
To turn the GPSMAP 2006/2010 on:
1. Press and hold the POWER key until the display comes on, then release the POWER key.
A warning page will appear, asking you to read and acknowledge important information regarding
the proper use of the unit.
To acknowledge the warning:
1. After reading the warning, press the ENTER/MARK key if you agree.
Next you will see the GPS Info window which provides a visual reference of satellite acquisition, GPS
receiver status, and accuracy. The status information will give you an idea of what the GPS receiver is
doing at any given moment.
To graphically initialize the GPSMAP 2006/2010:
1. From the GPS Info window, press the ‘Set Position’ SOFT KEY.
2. The Initialize Position Page will appear, prompting you to select your approximate location with the map
cursor. Use the ARROW KEYPAD to move the map cursor and point to your approximate location within
200 miles. If you have diffi culty identifying your position, press and release the IN key to zoom in to view
the map at the next lower scale.
3. Once you have determined your approximate location on the map, press the ENTER/MARK key.
Point to your approximate location and press ENTER/MARK.
Warning page
2006-2010 Intro.indd 2/27/02, 9:09 AM12