Map Page Options
Orientation— North Up— fi xes the top of the map display to a north heading; Track Up— fi xes the
top of the map display to the current track heading; Course Up— fi xes the map so the direction of
navigation is always “up” and turns the navigation leg line vertical on the screen.
AutoZoom— On/Off: when “On” the map will automatically adjust the map scale to a lower scale as
you approach you destination point.
Map Colors— Water /Land Mode or For Shade/Sunlight (color models only): when in “Water Mode”,
land will appear as a darker color and water will be lighter. In “Land Mode”, land will appear as a lighter
color and water will be darker. If using optional BlueChart data, it is recommended to use ‘Water Mode’.
For color models, “For Shade” is designed to match the color of physical marine charts as closely as
possible. Use this setting when in shaded environments. “For Sunlight” displays more vibrant colors for
use in sunny environments. BlueChart data may be used with either color model mode.
Source Tab
Basemap— On/Off: turns the built in base map on or off.
Data Card Maps— On/Off: turns all optional BlueChart/MapSource data loaded on the data card on
or off.
Waypoints Tab— Waypoints/Active Route
Text— None, Small, Medium, and Large: controls the screen size of the name.
Zoom— Auto, Off, 120 ft.-800 mi.: sets the maximum scale at which the feature should appear on the
screen. Some types of data will only show up to certain zoom scales.
Points Tab—
Spot Soundings/Tide Stations/ Services
Text— None (except Spot Soundings), Small, Medium, and Large: controls the screen size of the name.
Zoom— Auto, Off, 120 ft.-800 mi.: sets the maximum scale at which the feature should appear on the
screen. Some types of data will only show up to certain zoom scales. (Spot Soundings On/Off only)
Nav Line Tab—
Heading Line— On/Off: draws an extension from the end of the boat icon in the direction of travel.
Bearing Line— On/Off: toggles the black/white line which points to the current navigation point.
Course Line— Auto, Off, 120 ft.-800 mi.: sets the maximum zoom scale at which the desired course
line should appear on the screen.
Track Tab— Saved Tracks/Track Log
Zoom— Auto, Off, 120 ft.-800 mi.: sets the maximum scale at which the feature should appear on the
screen. Some types of data will only show up to certain zoom scales.
General Tab
Source Tab
Waypoints Tab
Points Tab
Track Tab
Nav Line Tab
Other Tab