G3X Installation Manual – Post Installation Checkout and Calibration Procedures Page 8-1
190-01115-01 Revision A
8. Post-Installation Checkout and Calibration Procedures
The checkout procedures in this section are recommended to be performed after installing the G3X. The
calibration procedures are required to be performed after installing the G3X. It is assumed that the person
performing these checks is familiar with the aircraft, has a working knowledge of typical avionics
systems, and has experience using the test equipment defined in this section.
The calibration procedures in this section are performed in the configuration mode. To enter
configuration mode, hold down the left-hand softkey while powering on the GDU 37X. In a two-display
or three-display system hold down the left-hand softkey on the PFD while powering on the unit.
All three status boxes on the GSU Page (config mode) must indicate a positive state (green check marks)
before performing any calibration procedures. The GMU 44 and GSU 73 units must be communicating
with the GDU 37X, and the GPS antenna must have clear view of the sky or a GPS repeater to produce
positive status indications.
The CONFIG GSU Page must be “unlocked” by pressing the softkeys 2, 3, 4 in order (Figure 8-1) to
select a calibration procedure.
Figure 8-1 – Softkey Positions
All procedures in this section require that the GPS receiver is receiving sufficient satellite
signal to compute a present position. This requires outdoor line-of-site to GPS satellite
signals or a GPS indoor repeater
As these procedures involve engine run-up and moving the aircraft, it is recommended
that the installer read this entire section before beginning the checkout procedure.
Unless otherwise noted, all procedures apply to both one-display and two-display
Be sure to check all aircraft control movements before flight is attempted to ensure that
the wiring harness does not touch any moving part.