G3X Installation Manual – Post Installation Checkout and Calibration Procedures Page 8-15
190-01115-01 Revision A
6. Use the FMS Joystick to highlight the Calibrate button, press the ENT Key.
7. Ensure that the aircraft has been properly positioned per the on-screen instructions.
8. Use the FMS Joystick to highlight the Calibrate button at the bottom of the display, press the
ENT Key to begin the calibration.
9. The PFD display advises the operator when to turn the aircraft to a cardinal heading, when to
stop, and when to turn to another heading. During the procedure, the operator turns to
magnetic headings of 360, 090, 180, and 270 degrees, within a tolerance of ±0.25°.
Maneuver the aircraft with the longitudinal axis aligned with the desired heading line of the
compass rose.
10. Repeat the preceding steps 3, 4, and 5 until a Calibration OK message is displayed.