Page 7-10 G3X Installation Manual – Software, Configuration, Databases, and XM Activation
Revision A 190-01115-01
7.4.6 SOUND Configuration Page
The SOUND Configuration Page allows setting the parameters for various alert and message tones.
1. In configuration mode, use the FMS Joystick to select the SOUND Page.
2. Use the FMS Joystick to select the desired configurable item and make the desired change.
Then press the ENT Key or use the FMS Joystick to select the next item. Press the FMS
Joystick to move the cursor to the page selection menu when finished.
The configuration options for the SOUND Configuration Page are listed/described as follows:
Alert Volume – Controls the volume level of audio alerts (settings 1-10)
Message Tones – Controls the volume level of message tones (settings 1-10)
Terrain Audio – Enables/disables terrain awareness audio alerts
TIS Audio – Enables/disables TIS traffic audio alerts
Alert Output – If set to MONO + STEREO, alert tones and messages will be output on both the mono
and stereo outputs. If set to MONO ONLY, alert tones and messages will be output only on the mono
Alert Source – If more than one GDU 37X is installed, an Alert Source field will appear on the SOUND
Configuration page. The Alert Source field allows the user to select which GDU will generate the alert
sounds. The Alert Source options are: PFD1, PFD2, MFD, or Auto (which will use whichever unit is
present, in the order PFD1, MFD, PFD2).