G3X Installation Manual – Software, Configuration, Databases, and XM Activation Page 7-5
190-01115-01 Revision A
7.4.2 ACFT Configuration Page
The Aircraft Configuration Page allows setting the parameters for Flight Planning, Aircraft Identifier, and
Map Symbol. The aircraft’s cruise speed, fuel flow, aircraft identifier, and map symbol can be entered on
this page.
The flight planning fields let you adjust the default values (cruise speed and fuel flow) used for flight
planning calculations.
Aircraft Identifier–The aircraft identifier can be entered using the FMS Joystick.
Map Symbol– The aircraft symbol that is displayed on the Map page can be selected.
1. In configuration mode, use the FMS Joystick to select the ACFT Page.
2. Use the FMS Joystick to select the desired configurable item and make the desired change.
Then press the ENT Key or use the FMS Joystick to select the next item. Press the FMS
Joystick to move the cursor to the page selection menu when finished.