3-5190-00601-02 Rev. B
Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
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Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 5
Sec 6
& Alerts
Sec 7
Sec 8
Glossary Appendix A
Appendix B
3.3.1 Default Navigation Page
While on any page of the MFD, you may easily return to the first Navigation
Map page of the Map group by
pressing and holding the CLR key to return
to the first page of the Map group.
3.3.2 Editing Information
1) Press the small MFD knob to activate editing.
2) Turn the large MFD knob to select desired item.
3) Turn the small MFD knob to change the highlighted value.
4) Press ENT
to accept the displayed value.
5) Press the small MFD knob to cancel selection or to end editing.
NOTE: Page Group and Page are shown at the bottom of the MFD.
Page Group
Turn Large MFD knob
Turn Small MFD knob
Figure 3-5 Page Group and Page Locator
3.3.3 Selecting Page Options
1) Change the fields or the setup of a page by pressing the MENU key and make
the necessary adjustments with the MFD knobs.
2) Press ENT
to accept the displayed value. Press the small MFD knob to cancel
selection or to end editing.
3.3.4 Changing the Navigation Map Range
The Range (RNG) keys on the right side of the bezel are used to change the
map display range. Pressing the RNG key will zoom out (increasing the
displayed map range) and pressing the RNG key will zoom in (decreasing
the displayed map range). The Map Range is shown in the lower right corner of
the MFD and represents the top-to-bottom distance covered by the map. The
map ranges available are from 500 feet to 2000 NM. When the map range is
decreased to a point that exceeds the capability of the GDU 620 to accurately
represent the map, a magnifying glass icon is shown to the left of the map