2-17190-00601-02 Rev. B
Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 5
Sec 6
& Alerts
Sec 7
Sec 8
Glossary Appendix A
Appendix B
type downgrades to LNAV past the final approach fix (FAF), or the approach
only supports LNAV service, “NO GP” is annunciated.
Vertical Deviation Source
Vertical Deviation Indicator
Figure 2-27 Vertical Deviation Indicator (GPS Source)
2.7.4 Auto-Slewing
The G600 system is designed to interface with GNS navigator units and also
manage up to four different CDI course pointers (GPS1, NAV1, GPS2, NAV2)
independently. The G600 will automatically slew the NAV course pointer to the
correct final approach course when a ILS, LOC, LOC BC, LDA or SDF approach
is active in the GNS navigator and the appropriate frequency is in the active
window in the navigator. The G600 will Auto-Slew the HSI course pointer for an
ILS, LOC, LOC BC, LDA or SDF approach when the steps below are completed
in the following order:
1) The desired approach is selected and activated in the navigator (this can be
verified by the approach waypoints appearing on the GDU620 MFD Nav Map
Page or FPL Page).
2) The appropriate frequency is in the active window in the navigator.
3) The CDI selection on the GDU 620 is changed to NAV course pointer for the
active navigator.
NOTE: If the NAV course pointer is displayed for the active navigator
when the approach is activated and the localizer frequency is placed in
the active window, the pilot will need to switch to another CDI source
and then back to NAV for the course pointer to Auto-Slew.
For example, if NAV1 is currently selected, the pilot must:
press the CDI soft key twice: NAV1>GPS1>NAV1
press the 1-2 soft key twice: NAV1>NAV2>NAV1