Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
190-00601-02 Rev. B
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 5
Sec 6
& Alerts
Sec 7
Sec 8
GlossaryAppendix A
Appendix B
5.4.1 Using SafeTaxi
Any map page that displays the navigation view can also show the SafeTaxi
airport layout within the maximum configured range. The following is a list of
pages where the SafeTaxi feature can be seen:
During ground operations the aircraft’s position is displayed in reference to
taxiways, runways, and airport features. When panning over the airport, features
such as runway holding lines and taxiways are shown.
The DCLTR soft key (declutter) label advances to DCLTR-1, DCLTR -2, and
DCLTR-3 each time the soft key is selected for easy recognition of decluttering
level. Selecting the DCLTR soft key removes the taxiway markings and airport
feature labels. Selecting the DCLTR-1 soft key removes VOR station ID, the
VOR symbol, and intersection names if within the airport plan view. Selecting
the DCLTR-2 soft key removes the airport runway layout, unless the airport in
view is part of an active route structure. Pressing the DCLTR-3 soft key cycles
back to the original map detail. Refer to Map Declutter Levels in the Navigation
Map Section.
5.4.2 SafeTaxi Cycle Number and Revision
The SafeTaxi database is revised every 56 days. SafeTaxi is always available
for use after the expiration date. When turning on the GDU 620, the Power-up
Page indicates whether the databases are current, out of date, or not available.
The Power-up Page shows the SafeTaxi database is current when the “SafeTaxi
Expires” date is shown in white. When the SafeTaxi cycle has expired, the
“SafeTaxi Expires” date appears in yellow. The message “SafeTaxi: N/A” appears
in white if no SafeTaxi data is available on the database card.