
Garmin G600 Pilot’s Guide
190-00601-02 Rev. B
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 5
Sec 6
& Alerts
Sec 7
Sec 8
GlossaryAppendix A
Appendix B
If the magnetometer input fails, the AHRS continues to output valid attitude
information; however, the heading output on the PFD is flagged as invalid with
a red “X.”
NOTE: In this case the magnetic standby compass and GPS ground track
can be used to keep the aircraft on the desired heading.
Failure of the air data input has no effect on the AHRS output while AHRS is
receiving valid GPS information. Invalid or unavailable airspeed data in addition
to complete GPS failure results in loss of all attitude and heading information.
1.1.11 Secure Data Cards
The G600 System uses Secure Digital (SD) cards to load and store various types
of data. For basic flight operations, SD cards are required for Terrain, Obstacle,
FliteChart, and ChartView database storage as well as Jeppesen aviation and
ChartView database updates. The Navigation Database update card is generally
inserted in the upper SD card for database updates and then removed. Other
database cards are normally located in the lower SD card.
NOTE: Ensure the GDU 620 is powered off before inserting or removing
an SD card.
NOTE: Refer to A-1 for instructions on updating the aviation database.
Inserting an SD card
1) Insert the SD card in the SD card slot (the front of the card should be flush with
the face of the display bezel).
2) To eject the card, gently press on the SD card to release the spring latch.
1.1.12 Pilot Controls
The GDU 620 controls have been designed to simplify operation of the
system and minimize workload and the time required to access sophisticated
functionality. Controls are located on the PFD and MFD bezels and are comprised
of a PFD knob, MFD dual concentric knobs, bezel keys, and soft keys. PFD Knob
Turning the PFD knob adjusts the values for the mode selected by the PFD
bezel keys.