Part One: Section 1
Part One:
Traffic Information Service
(TIS) Interface
Section 1: TIS Operation and
TIS Operation
NOTE: Part One of this Addendum assumes the user
has experience operating the 400W/500W Series units
and the Garmin GTX 330 Transponder.
The Traffic Information Service (TIS) provides
a graphic display of traffic advisory information in
the cockpit for non-TCAS (Traffic alert and Collision
Avoidance System) equipped aircraft. TIS is a ground-
based service providing relative location of all ATCRBS
(Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System) Mode A
and Mode C transponder-equipped aircraft within a
specified service volume. The TIS ground sensor uses
real-time track reports to generate traffic notification.
TIS Traffic display is available to aircraft equipped
with a Mode S Data Link such as the Garmin GTX 330
Transponder. TIS Traffic from a GTX 330 Transpon-
der can then be displayed on a Garmin 400W/500W
Series unit. Surveillance data includes all transponder-
equipped aircraft within the coverage volume. Aircraft
without an operating transponder are invisible to TIS.
TIS displays up to eight traffic targets within seven
nautical miles horizontally from 3000 feet below to
3500 feet above the requesting aircraft.
The TIS is a ground-based service that displays
nearby aircraft on your 400W/500W-series display.
For the TIS feature to inform you of a nearby aircraft’s
presence, several conditions must be met:
• Your aircraft must be equipped with a Mode S
data link transponder, such as the GTX 330.
• You must be within range of a Mode S radar
that provides the TIS service. Not all Mode S
ground radars provide TIS service.
• The “intruder” aircraft must be equipped with
a transponder, and that transponder must be
turned on. Aircraft that are not equipped with
operating transponders will not be visible to the
Mode S surveillance radar.
• The “intruder” aircraft must be within the TIS
coverage volume for your aircraft. TIS displays
up to eight traffic targets within seven nautical
miles horizontally from the requesting aircraft,
and from 3,000 feet below to 3,500 feet above
the requesting aircraft.
• Both your aircraft and the intruder aircraft must
be visible to the Mode S surveillance radar on
the ground.
Always remember that TIS cannot alert you to
the presence of aircraft that are not equipped with
transponders, nor can it alert you to aircraft that may
be nearby, but obscured from the ground surveillance
radar by intervening terrain.
TIS Coverage Volume (not to scale)
TIS Operation and Symbology