Part Two: Section 2
XM Weather
XM WPT Pages
When a GDL 69 or GDL 69A is installed, two XM-
related pages are added to “airport” pages in the WPT
page group:
• Textual METAR Page. The Textual METAR
page shows the text of the most recent METAR
(Meteorological Aerodrome Report) that has
been received for an airport.
• TAF Page. The TAF page shows the text of the
most recent TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Fore-
cast) that has been received for an airport.
XM AUX Pages
When a GDL 69 or GDL 69A is installed, the fol-
lowing XM pages appear in the AUX group of pages:
• XM Audio Page (GDL 69A only). See Section 4
below for a description of this page.
• XM Information Page. This page contains
information that you will use when activat-
ing your XM satellite radio subscription. It
also reports the GDL 69/69A’s software version
• XM Weather Timestamps Page. This page
shows timestamp data for the most recently
received XM weather data.
Section 2: XM Weather
The XM Weather Function is capable of displaying
graphical weather information through the XM Satel-
lite Radio Service when activated in the optional instal-
lation of the GDL 69/69A. Nexrad graphic weather
and METARs symbols are displayed on the NAV pages.
The types of products available depend on the sub-
scription service with XM Satellite Radio.
Once you have activated an aviation weather ser-
vice from XM Satellite Radio, the 400W/500W series
unit can display the following aviation-related data:
• NEXRAD Weather. An indication of the
intensity of weather radar echoes from the
National Weather Service’s network of NEXRAD
(NEXt generation RADar) sites can be shown
on the XM Weather Page and can optionally be
overlaid on the Map page. (Both these pages are
in the NAV page group.)
• Radar Coverage. Whenever NEXRAD radar
echoes are shown, a cross-hatch pattern indi-
cates the limits of NEXRAD radar coverage.
The cross-hatched area shows where NEXRAD
information is unavailable.
• Meteorological Aerodrome Reports
(METARs). When a GDL 69/69A is installed,
a “Textual METAR” page is inserted among the
airport pages of the WPT page group. On this
page you can see the most recent METAR for
that airport, as downloaded from XM Satellite
• Textual METARs. When you zoom in to show
the airport symbol associated with the colored
flag for a graphical METAR, and move the Map
Pointer to highlight that airport, you can then
press ENT to see the Textual METAR page for
that airport. The Textual METAR page is one of
the airport pages of the WPT page group.