Part Two: Section 3
XM Aux Pages
NOTE: The full text of the NOTAM may be obtained
from a local FSS or from the FAA web site, using the
contents of this field as a reference to locate the
particular NOTAM. However, the information shown on
the TFR Information page is sufficient to let you comply
with the Temporary Flight Restriction by avoiding the
affected area.
• Active Time. This field is for the beginning and
ending times of the temporary flight restriction.
It may be blank, in which case the TFR is active
“until further notice.”
• Vert Limits. This field gives the upper and
lower limits of the airspace to which the TFR
Section 3: XM AUX Pages
When a GDL 69 (or GDL 69A) is installed, two
(or three) pages are inserted into the 500W/500W’s
AUX page group. Here we discuss the two pages that
are inserted regardless of whether the XM receiver is a
GDL 69 or GDL 69A:
• XM Information Page. This page contains
information that you will use when activating
your XM satellite radio subscription.
• XM Weather Timestamps Page. This page
shows timestamp data for the most recently
received XM weather data.
The other AUX page, which is installed only if the
XM receiver is a GDL 69A.
XM Information Page
The XM Information page in the AUX page group
is the page you will refer to when activating your sub-
scription to the XM Satellite Radio services.
• Audio ID. The Audio ID contains the eight-
character identification code of the XM Audio
radio built into the GDL 69A. Provide this ID
to XM Satellite Radio when activating an XM
audio subscription. (In the case of a GDL 69,
this field shows eight hyphens instead of an