Part Three: Section 2
TAWS Operation
To change the display range:
1. Select the TAWS Page and press up or down
on the RNG key to select the desired range:
1 NM, 2 NM, 5 NM, 10 NM, 25 NM, 50 NM,
100 NM.
Aviation information such as airports, VORs, and
other navaids can be turned on or off on the TAWS
To show or hide aviation information:
1. Press MENU.
2. Select “Show (or Hide) Aviation Data?” and
press ENT. Pressing the CLR key when the
TAWS Page is displayed can also be used to
toggle aviation information on or off.
Aviation Data
Inhibit Mode
TAWS provides an “inhibit mode”. This mode is
designed to deactivate PDA/FLTA aural and visual
alerts when they are deemed unnecessary by the
aircrew. Flying VFR into an area where unique terrain
exists could cause the system to annunciate a nuisance
alert. Pilots should use discretion when inhibiting
the TAWS system and always remember to enable the
system when appropriate. Only the PDA and FLTA
alerts are disabled in the inhibit mode. See section 3
for more information on TAWS alerts.
Inhibiting Terrain
To inhibit PDA and FLTA alerts:
1. Select the TAWS Page and press MENU.
“Inhibit Terrain?” is selected by default.
2. Press ENT. The PDA/FLTA alerts are inhibited.
The annunciation is displayed in
the terrain annunciator field whenever terrain
is inhibited.
To enable PDA and FLTA alerts:
1. Select the TAWS Page and press MENU.
“Enable Terrain?” is selected by default.
2. Press ENT. The PDA/FLTA alerts are functional
External TAWS Inhibit Control
An optional installation is allowed for providing
an external TAWS Inhibit switch. Pressing the external
TAWS Inhibit switch toggles the TAWS inhibit on and
off in the same manner as using the Page Menu selec-