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Reference manual Foundation Fieldbus Control module
DOC.RM.QC34.E Rev: A
October, 2006
3 Commisioning
In order to commision the QC34 module three steps
need to be done in advance:
1 Implementation of the device driver in the host
2 Initialization of the FieldQ QC34 module.
3 Function block assignment to channels.
3.1 Implementation of the device driver
in the host system.
Two versions of the DD-drivers are available for the
QC34 module:
- QC34 Standard DD Rev 2 - DD files for use with
other Foundation FieldBus host systems and tools
- QC34 PlantWeb DD Rev 2 - DD files tailored
specifically for use with Emerson PlantWeb
Systems (DeltaV).
These DD drivers are available for download from
Please, see the documentation of your host system,
how to implement these device drivers in your host
3.2 Intialization
Initialization finds the end positions of the actuator.
Switching will then occur within the end stop offsets
from these end positions. This process is done
automatically, by the module, however, the user must
start it and the unit must be wired according
chapter 2. The initialization process can be started in
two ways:
1. Initialization using the local buttons (see §3.2.1).
2. Initialization using a bus command (see §3.2.2).
* During the initialization routine the actuator /valve combi-
nation will cycle several times.
* Before initialization check whether the actuator and valve
have the same “Open” and “Closed” positions.
* Ensure that the valve stroke is not obstructed before the
initialization routine is started.
end position
end position
End stop
Factory settings
End stop
Setting after initialization
Fig 3.1 Feedback characteristics