PCI30FG User Manual
Eagle Technology © Copyright 2002 27
The program runs under dos and make sure that you do not run it in a
Windows command box or on Windows NT. Follow the on screen instructions
or the directions in the calibration section.
Figure 7.1 shows the connection diagram for calibrating your PCI30FG. It is
very important that channels that are not used be grounded to analog ground.
Also make sure that your voltage source is in perfect working order, because
the accuracy of the board will depend on the accuracy of you calibration
Figure 5-1 A/D Calibration Connections
Variable Resistor Description
Below is a table that shows the function of each pot on the PCI30FG. Only a
few are used at a time depending on the version of PCI30FG.
Pot Description
VR1 A/D OpAmp offset pot – F&G Version
VR2 A/D Bipolar offset pot – G Version
A/D Monopolar offset pot G Version, Bipolar F(±5V)
VR4 D/A Reference Voltage
VR5 A/D Bipolar gain pot – G Version
VR6 A/D Monopolar gain pot – G Version
A/D Bipolar gain pot – F Version (±5V)
A/D Bipolar gain pot – F Version (±10V)
A/D Bipolar offset pot – F Version (±10V)
Table 5-1 VR Assignment